Community Manager & Content Creator

Some info

Bourg-en-Bresse, France

What I like about social networks is the creativity that everyone can express. I really like to share stories and emotions.


January 2022 to Present

Community Manager & Content Creator

JL Bourg, Bourg-en-Bresse, France

Contents : photos and videos of trainings, games and evenings. Audio-visual productions such as Hype Playoffs Video 2024, 2023 Leaders Cup, Le Récap – a video of the best actions and visual creations such as the graphic charter Eurocup 2022/2024, visuals of everyday life and exceptional visuals. Casual trips with the team. Draft articles. Development of several new topics: Sneaker Interviews, "Droit au Coeur".

Social medias : Editorial calendar management, publication and moderation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn and YouTube. Definition of the club's communication strategy. Some numbers since my arrival: +40k subscribers, average of 140k views to 400k monthly views on all platforms.

Technical management : creation and management of pre-game visuals on Ekinox giant screen, TV in corridors, LED around the court and VIP spaces.

May 2020 to June 2021

Content-Manager, SEO Manager and Content Integrator

Novius, Lyon, France

Community Management: Beer O Clock, Novius
Content created for: Sauthon, Beer O Clock, Novius
SEO audits and workshops: Quai des Oliviers, Intex, Les Arts Florissants, Ellisphère, Les Datalistes, Care France

January 2019 to January 2020

Communications and Web Development Officer

S.TGI, Montreal, Canada

Website createdfor the company S.TGI
Social Media: Visuals and writing posts on Facebook and LinkedIn

September 2016 to September 2018

Internal and external digital communication officer (apprenticeship)

SNCF TER AURA, Lyon, France

▸ Creation of internal communication media: educational videos, print, web
▸ Community management on the social network of internal enterprise and Twitter
▸ Participation in the group's digital transfo
▸ Organization of internal events
▸ Photographer for the SNCF's image bank
▸ Assistance with audiovisual filming in train stations
▸ Press: Internal press review andpress analysis

University training

2016 - 2018

Expert in Digital Strategy

Digital Campus, Lyon, France

Diploma to become an expert in digital strategy

▸ UX Design
▸ Culture & Digital Environment
▸ Global and digital communication
▸ Social Media
▸ Webmarketing and e-commerce
▸ Data
▸ International environment
▸ Web Tools and Languages
▸ Project management
▸ Creation of an entrepreneurial project

2015 - 2016

Web Project Manager

Digital Campus, Lyon, France

Intermediate class to become Web Project Manager

▸ PAO Software: Adobe Suite
▸ Video Software: After Effect
▸ Webmarketing: Study of different types of marketing
▸ SEO: how it works - implementation – tools
▸ Web Development : HTML – CSS – PHP – MYSQL – JavaScript
▸ Community Management: Social Networks (writing, creation of contents) – Personal Branding
▸ Projects: some projects with different themes were given to us. We had the choice of being project manager.

2013 - 2015

Associate’s degree Multimedia and Internet Jobs

Allier IUT, Vichy, France

Activities and associations : Theatre
Technical and versatile diploma on digital

▸ PAO Software: Adobe Suite
▸ Image/Sound Software: Final Cut Pro – Premiere Pro – Pro Tools – Sound Study
▸ Web Development : HTML – CSS – Flash – Object programming – WordPress – JavaScript – PHP – MYSQL
▸ Social networks: fundamentals
▸ Communication Tools: Know how to speak and to present
▸ Marketing: basic marketing and digital marketing
▸ Law: work law
▸ Database : basics on Big Data
▸ PAO Software: Adobe Suite
▸ Image/Sound Software: Final Cut Pro – Premiere Pro – Pro Tools – Sound Study
▸ Web Development : HTML – CSS – Flash – Object programming – WordPress – JavaScript – PHP – MYSQL
▸ Social networks: fundamentals
▸ Marketing: basic marketing and digital marketing
▸ Law: work law
▸ Database: discovery – reflections



Indoor and outdoor capture and shooting

Edit photos with creation of presets

Specialities: basketball, weddings and events

Audiovisual production

Basketball games and events

Logging and editing short and long videos

Specialities: basketball and corporate

Social medias

Management of editorial planning

Content creation (visual, video and photos)

Manage communities on social media


Writing articles for the web

Writing posts on Social Media

Writting sport articles

Like to share and pass on knowledge


"Interview Sneakers"

New content around basketball sneakers and JL Bourg team players 21/22

Leaders Cup 2023

Documentary on the JL Bourg team during the 2023 Leaders Cup

Contents & Social Media

Social Media content during the 2023-2024 season of the JL Bourg including some numbers

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